Privacy Policy

Personal information

It is not usual or typical to collect information from our tourists or visitors, in case of such work, your personal information will be processed for various commercial purposes, respond to service requests or assistance, create and improve our products and services, suggest additional or different products or services. We collect information about you in two basic ways: First, we receive information directly from you, secondly, we collect information through the voice-to-speech system, social media, and other technologies.

Your options

You can stop receiving promotional emails from us by following the instructions in the email you receive. You can unregister or deactivate your account, or update your preferences at any time. You can manage cookies using your browser controls. You can choose not to use certain cookies. Individual products or services may offer additional controls or preferences. Send us an email requesting the no information.

Uses of information

If we use your data or personal information, it will be to fulfill your requests, operate, support and improve our resort, request product and service surveys, conduct internal research and personalize content, products, services and implement and improve our marketing..

The exchange of information

We do not sell, rent or provide your personal information to third parties, we do not work or have contracts or partnerships with any tourism agency, travel agencies, tourism promoters, hotels, hostels, inns and restaurants. Your personal information is shared with third parties with your consent, except in circumstances where it is required by law to be shared.

How to contact us: Use our contact form or write to us at: